ArcaOS Review | Part 2. Installed Applications and Features

마루 0 9,231 2021.01.19 14:03

Let's explore ArcaOS 5.0.6 today and what it has to offer. We will go through the pre-installed applications and review those. Also, we will install some additional apps. Subscribe for new episodes and reviews of the Operating Systems. Timeline: 00:00 ArcaOS Intro 02:08 Terminating Applications 03:02 Watching YouTube 04:36 Running OS/2 Apps 07:40 Win 3.1 Session 08:50 More OS/2 Apps 10:29 ArcaOS Games 11:39 Package Management 12:14 Exploring Hardware 12:47 Win - OS/2 Settings 13:03 RAM Disk 13:37 ArcaOS Themes 14:30 Installing OS/2 Applications 17:04 Opening the Menu 18:10 Official Documentation 18:40 Conclusion / Power Off Previous OS/2/eComStation episodes are here: ArcaOS. Part 1: OS/2 in 2020: 


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