ArcaOS Desktop updated to 1.0.16

ArcaOS Desktop updated to 1.0.16

Dynamic Icons

Arca Noae is pleased to announce the immediate availability of ArcaOS Desktop (ANXWP) 1.0.16 in English, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and Russian. This is a maintenance release containing bug-fixes and updates that have accumulated since the last release. The primary improvements include:

New Features

  • Text Size
    Use the first page of the Desktop’s Properties notebook to set the text in folders, menus, titlebars, and most dialogs to a size best suited for the current screen size and resolution.
  • Large Icons in XCenter
    XCenter’s Properties notebook allows selection of Large (full-size) or Mini (half-size) icons. The WinList widget allows setting its icon size separately from XCenter as well as the choice of text, icons, or both on its buttons.
  • Low Battery Alert
    The Battery widget now has a Properties page to set up the widget’s new alert. Set the level at which a warning should pop up (e.g. at 15%), and optionally, set follow-up warnings whenever the level drops another specified percent (say, 5%).

Updates and Bugfixes

  • XStartup
    Large parts of the XStartup code have been rewritten for improved reliability
  • XWP Help
    A Table of Contents has been added to the XWP Help system to organize its many pages into 21 top-level topics.
  • Other Changes
    • XShutdown has been revised to invoke Text Size’s shutdown processing when updates occur. Related code has been refactored.
    • An undocumented setup string has been added to XFldDesktop to enable Styler and other shutdown utilities to invoke Text Size’s shutdown processing when changes are pending.
    • ‘xwptrap.log’ has been partially reformatted to make it less versbose.
    • ‘h2i.exe’ which converts HTML help to .INF format has been revised to support an optional “Table of Contents” mode.
    • ‘xunlock.exe’ has been added to the distro to ensure scripts always have access to an “unlock” utility. It returns 0 if the file is now unlocked and >0 if it remains locked or an error occured.
    • A rewrite of the Window List widget should ensure that its last button doesn’t paint over the widget to its right.
    • Code to read the display’s EDID has been added to support future Text Size enhancements.

See the Version Information topic of the ArcaOS Desktop Users Guide and Reference located in the Help Center for more details about this release.

Arca Noae would like to thank Rich Walsh for his work on maintaining and improving XWorkplace and ArcaOS Desktop. This release also includes contributory work by Alex Taylor.

If you have ArcaOS, this software is available for download from the Arca Noae website as part of the Support & Maintenance subscription for your ArcaOS product. Please log into your account and see your ArcaOS order details page to access your software.

If you are still running OS/2 and/or eComStation this is a great reason to consider moving up to ArcaOS. This update includes reserved features licensed for use exclusively with ArcaOS.


This entry was posted in Arca NoaeArcaOSNew software releasesNewsSubscriptions and tagged arcaosarcaos desktopcomponentssoftwaresubscriptionupgradexworkplace on December 31, 2023 by Lewis Rosenthal.


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