New product: OS/2 Video Poker 2.0™

OS/2 Video Poker 2.0

New product: OS/2 Video Poker 2.0™

From Reed Software, Arca Noae is proud to announce the availability of OS/2 Video Poker 2.0!

OS/2 Video Poker 2.0 plays the fast action game of video poker found in casinos world wide. Enjoy a real video poker game experience right on your home or work computer. This exciting game takes advantage of the enhanced graphics capabilities of today’s modern high resolution screens, with your choice of seven different screen colors, red, blue, or green card backs, sound effects, and more.

Play your choice of Jacks or Better, Bonus Poker, and Double-Double Bonus video poker games, and view statistics about your playing sessions.

This latest version of a classic OS/2 game is sure to provide hours of enjoyment.

Find OS/2 Video Poker 2.0 in the Arca Noae store, in the Fun & Games category.

This entry was posted in New software releases and tagged cardcasinoenjoymententertainmentfunGAMEprogramshopsoftwarestore on March 9, 2023 by Lewis Rosenthal.


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