Daniela Engert has updated DANIS506.ADD

마루 0 22,720 2007.02.23 12:12
http://www.ecomstation.com/news.phtml?action=fullnews&id=2073&title=Daniela%20Engert%20has%20updated%20DANIS506.ADD Daniela Engert has updated DANIS506.ADD

February 22, 2007 by Chuck McKinnis

Daniela Engert has released another update to her IDE DASD driver package. It is available for download from www.ecomstation.com.

This update contains all of the files for the following drivers from Daniela Engert:

Daniela's S506 ADD - Release 1.7.10 (updated)
Daniela's generic ATAPI Filter - Release 0.3.19
Daniela's NON-512 bytes/sector DASD support filter - Version 0.1.6
Daniela's CD-ROM boot support filter - Version 1.0.2

Users should also install the latest level of the IBM DASD driver package to pick up the drivers, filters, and device managers not included in Dani's package.

The eComStation Maintenance Tool control file (ecscntl.zip) has been updated to install this driver package.


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