Initio INI-9XXXU/UW Device Drivers (Release 2.31 RC1)

마루 0 6,099 2023.08.18 16:17

        Initio INI-9XXXU/UW Device Drivers (Release 2.31 RC1)


For installation tips, please read the rest of this document as 

well as the README.TXT file under each subdirectory.



1 - Initio Technical Support

2 - Diskette Contents

3 - Description 

4 - MS-DOS

5 - Windows 95/98

6 - INI-9200U/UW, INI-9400U/UW




1 - Initio Technical Support


    By mail:           Initio Corporation

                       2188B Del Franco St.

                       San Jose, CA 95131

    Phone:             408-965-5039

    FAX:               408-577-0640





2 - Diskette Contents



 |  |

 |  +--README.TXT      : This file.

 |  +--DOSSETUP.EXE    : DOS Setup Utility

 |  +--TXTSETUP.OEM    : OEM script file for Windows NT.

 |  +--DISK1           : script file for Windows NT.

 |  +--SETUP.EXE       : Windows 3.1X Setup Utility

 |  +--XSETUP.EX_      : Windows 3.1X setup file 



 |  |

 |  +--README.TXT      : readme file for DOS.

 |  +--ASPI910U.SYS    : ASPI Device Manager(v2.05) for DOS.

 |  +--INICD.SYS       : Initio SCSI CD-ROM driver(v1.06) for DOS.

 |  +--INIDISK.SYS     : Initio SCSI Disk driver(v1.01) for DOS.

 |  +--INIFDISK.SYS    : Initio SCSI Disk format utility(v1.02) for 

 | DOS.



 |  |

 |  +--README.TXT      : readme file for Windows 3.1X.

 |  +--WINASPI.DLL     ; ASPI for WINDOWS 3.1X DLL.

 |  +--I91CTRL.386     : 32-bit Fastdisk VxD(3.23) for WINDOWS 3.1X.

 |  +--INT13.386       : new INT13h API translation VxD(v3.11).



 |  |

 |  +--README.TXT      : readme file for OS2.

 |  +--INI910U.ADD     : Adapter Device Driver(v2.04) for IBM OS/2.

 |  +--INI910U.DDP     : Driver Description Profile




 |  |

 |  +--README.TXT      : readme file for WINDOWS NT.

 |  +--INI910U.SYS     : Device Driver(v2.14) for WINDOWS NT.

 |  +--OEMSETUP.INF    : OEM script file for Windows NT.



 |  |

 |  +--README.TXT      : readme file for WINDOWS 95.

 |  +--INI910U.MPD     : Device Driver(v2.14) for WINDOWS 95\98.

 |  +--INI910U.INF     : script file for Windows 95\98.



 |  |

   +--README.TXT       : readme file for NETWARE




       +--INI9100.HAM   : Device Driver(v2.08)

       +--INI9100.DDI   : Device Driver installation file


3 - Description


This disk contains drivers for the Initio INI-9100U/UW, 

INI-9200U/UW, and the INI-9400U/UW family of SCSI host 


4 - MS-DOS


The DOSSETUP.EXE program installs the 16bit ASPI drivers,

SCSI CD-ROM driver and the MicrosoftCD extensions. This 

program will automatically create or modify the 

AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files on your hard drive.  

To complete CD-ROM installation, you will need MSCDEX.EXE 

Pre-installed on the hard drive or on a floppy disk.  

MSCDEX.EXE is on MS-DOS 6.2x setup disk number one.  Be sure 

that you know the location and the path of MSCDEX.EXE prior 

to running DOSSETUP.EXE. The hard drive will need MS-DOS 

6.xx installed or it will need to be formatted with the /s 

option (i.e. - bootable format) prior to running Initio 

DOSSETUP.EXE.  From the x:\ DOS prompt type "DOSSETUP" 

and press "enter". NOTE: x = drive letter of floppy drive 

used. After DOSSETUP.EXE completes, be sure to reboot system 

so changes take effect.

5 - Windows 95\98



The directory Win95 contains the miniport driver that function for both Windows 95 and 98

Windows Fresh Installation



If installing Win 95\98 from a SCSI CD-ROM attached to the 

Initio SCSI adapter, the DOS drivers must be installed with 

CD support. Please see the DOS section of this file before 



If, after installing the driver, there is a yellow exclamation 

mark for the device in 'DEVICE MANAGER' check the CONFIG.SYS 

and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and verify the following:

The line is remarked out for loading the ASPI910U.SYS

The line is remarked out for loading INICD.SYS

The line for loading MSCDEX.EXE is remarked out

5A Window 95 Fresh Installation


Complete the installation as described in the Window 95

users manual. When the installation has completed open 

the 'Device Manager'. There will be a listing of 

'Other Devices'. Double click on this icon to view the 

devices. Double click on 'PCI-SCSI Bus Controller'. 

Select the driver tab, and then select change driver. 

Select 'SCSI Controllers' for the hardware type. 

Select 'Have disk.." in the select device window. Place 

the Initio INI-9XXXU/UW Driver Disk 1 into the floppy

drive. Enter the path of 'A:\WIN9X', when prompted, and 

select OK. Select the 'INITIO INI-9XXX Host Adapter" and 

click OK. Click OK when prompted to re-boot the 


5B Windows 98 Fresh Installation


The latest revision of the Initio INI-9XXXU/UW driver is 

imbedded in Windows 98. Windows 98 will detect the SCSI 

adapter and install the appropriate drivers.


Using the Installation Boot floppy with Win 98 release.


To install using the Installation Boot disk from Microsoft 

some minor changes need to be made to the floppy. Make a 

copy of the Windows 98 Boot Disk included with the Windows 

98 package. Copy the following files to the root of the boot 

disk from the DOS directory of the Initio driver diskette



Edit the config.sys file and add the following lines at the 

end of the [SETUP_CD] header


Device=inicd.sys /D:oemcd001

Place the floppy into the drive and reboot the system. Install 

Windows 98 as described in the user manual.

5C Windows 95 Adding SCSI adapter to an existing installation


After adding the SCSI adapter boot the system. Windows 95 will 

detect the presence of a new device and open the 'NEW HARDWARE 

FOUND' window with 'PCI SCSI BUS CONTROLLERS' highlighted. Click 


click 'OK'. Select 'SCSI CONTROLLER' and click on 'HAVE DISK'. 

A window will appear asking for the path. Place disk 1 of the 

INI-9XXXU/UW manager set in the floppy drive. Enter 'A:\WIN9X' 

for the path and click 'OK'. Select INITIO INI-9XXX HOST ADAPTER' 

and click 'OK' Reboot the system when prompted.


If prompted again for the path enter 'A:\WIN9X'

5D Windows 98, Adding SCSI Adapter to an existing Windows 98 installation


After adding the SCSI adapter boot the system. Windows 98 will detect the 

presence of a new SCSI Controller and install the appropriate driver from 

the Windows 98 CD.

6 - INI-9200U/UW and INI-9400U/UW


The INI-9200U/UW and INI-9400U/UW host adapters are

multi-function host adapters that utilize a PCI-to-PCI bridge.  These

host adapters pack multiple PCI SCSI or Fast Ethernet devices on a

separate PCI bus behind a dedicated PCI bridge.  In order for

INI-9200 and INI-9400 adapters to work, the system

Motherboard needs to have support to PCI-to-PCI bridge devices.

To find out if your system supports the Initio multi-channel

host adapter family, plug the adapter in the system and turn it

on.  If the Initio BIOS banners fail to display or if you receive

a "PCI Configuration Error" message, your system may not support

the PCI v.2.1 specification properly.

Each of the multi-channel adapters from Initio is basically

multiple SCSI cards or Fast Ethernet cards combined on a single

PCI card.  When installing the SCSI host adapter driver, it needs

to be installed once for each of the SCSI channels present on the

multi-channel card.  To make this simpler, having the INI-9200U

card in a PCI slot in your system is the same as having two

INI-9100U on secondary dedicated PCI system bus while still using 

one PCI slot.



INICD.SYS is a DOS device driver for supporting SCSI CDROM drives.

It is the interface between MSCDEX.EXE (supplied by Microsoft) and

the physical CDROM drive. INICD.SYS must be loaded by your CONFIG.SYS

start up file. INICD.SYS requires that an ASPI Manager be loaded. 

Therefore, you must load INICD.SYS after you load the appropriate ASPI

Manager. INICD.SYS can be loaded with either the "DEVICE" or 

"DEVICEHIGH" command. Below is a list of command line options and 


/D: /d: This option is used to specify the name of the device driver. 

The name specified must also be passed to MSCDEX.EXE on its command 

line (Using the same /D: or /d: option). The name specified must be 8

or less characters in length. Valid characters are the A-Z, a-z, 0-9 

and underscore. The name must start with a letter. Examples:




/T /t This option is used to specify a Time out value to be used 

when sending commands to a CDROM drive. If a CDROM drive does not 

respond to a command within the specified time out then the command 

will be aborted and an appropriate error message will be displayed.

The time out value is specified in minutes. Valid values are 1-9 

and D or d. The D or d values is used to disable the time out 

mechanism. If the time out mechanism is disabled then faulty 

hardware can lock up the system. Examples:





/X /x This option is used to eXclude particular CDROM drives. 

Excluded CDROM drives are identified by specifying the host adapter,

target id and lun. A colon separates these values. Groups of 

CDROM drives (or wild cards) can also be identified. Below are 

examples of the different ways CDROM drives can be excluded:

  /X0:1:2  Exclude drive on Host Adapter 0, target ID 1 and lun 2.

  /X0:2   Exclude drive on Host Adapter 0, target ID 2 and ANY lun

  /X0   Exclude ALL drives on Host Adapter 0.


These samples assume that the user has loaded the Initio drivers 

in the following directory: c:\ini910u.



DEVICE=c:\ini910u\inicd.sys /D:INICD001


The first line loads the ASPI manager and the second line loads the 

CDROM driver specifying the device name INICD001.


Mscdex /D:INICD001


This line will load the Microsoft supplied mscdex.exe file instructing 

it to attach to the CDROM device driver INICD001.




Inidisk.sys is a DOS block device driver for supporting SCSI fixed 

disks, removable disks and MO devices. INIDISK.SYS must be loaded 

by your CONFIG.SYS start up file. INIDISK.SYS requires that an ASPI 

Manager is loaded. Therefore, you must load INIDISK.SYS after you 

load the appropriate ASPI Manager. INIDISK.SYS can be loaded with 

either the "DEVICE" or "DEVICEHIGH" command. Below is a list of 

command line options and examples.

/R /r This option specifies the number of logical drives 

to reserve for MO and removable disk devices. MO and removable disks 

media are capable of being partitioned just like a fixed disk. For 

every DOS partition on the media a logical DOS drive letter will be 

available. INIDISK.SYS will support as many logical drives as 

required (up to the maximum supported by DOS) based on the 

partitioning of the media that is present when your system boots. 

However, the media may be removed at any time and a new disk may be 

inserted. The new disk may have more (or less) partitions then the 

original disk. The /R /r option is used to reserved drive letters 

at start up in order to facilitate a disk change to a disk with more 

partitions than the original disk present at boot time. The value 

after the /R /r option determines how many drive letters will be 

reserved on a device basis. For example, if the user specifies a 

/R4 option and there are two removable devices attached to the SCSI 

bus, then a total of eight (8) drive letters will be reserved.

/T /t This option is used to specify a Time out value to be used 

when sending commands to a SCSI drive. If a SCSI drive does not 

respond to a command within the specified time out then the command 

will be aborted and an appropriate error message will be displayed. 

The time out value is specified in minutes. Valid values are 1-9 and 

D or d. The D or d values are used to disable the time out mechanism. 

If the time out mechanism is disabled then faulty hardware can lock 

up the system. Examples:





/X /x This option is used to eXclude particular SCSI drives. 

Excluded SCSI drives are identified by specifying the host adapter, 

target id and lun. A colon separates these values. Groups of 

SCSI drives (or wild cards) can also be identified. Below are 

examples of the different ways SCSI drives can be excluded:

  /X0:1:2  Exclude drive on Host Adapter 0, target ID 1 and lun 2.

  /X0:2    Exclude drive on Host Adapter 0, target ID 2 and ANY lun

  /X0    Exclude ALL drives on Host Adapter 0.


These samples assume that the user has loaded the Initio drivers in 

the following directory: c:\ini910u.



DEVICE=c:\ini910u\inicd.sys /R2


The first line loads the ASPI manager and the second line loads the 

SCSI disk driver specifying that a minimum of two drive letters be 

reserved for each MO and removable disk attached to the SCSI bus.



Inifdisk.exe is a DOS partition and format utility. It requires the 

aspi910U.sys driver to be loaded in order for it to function properly. 

Upon invocation the initial screen will have two windows. The top 

window will list all of the SCSI devices installed in the system. 

The user can highlight a particular device by using the up and down 

arrow keys. The bottom window will display information about the 

device that is currently highlighted in the top window. Inifdisk.exe 

can partition and format any SCSI storage device that is not being 

controlled by the BIOS, this includes SCSI disks, magnetic optical 

drives, and removable media devices. Each screen is self-explanatory 

so the user should have no problems in using the utility.



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