AudioCenter Version 0.85

마루 0 10,147 2021.12.12 01:36

       Welcome to AudioCenter

    Version 0.85?

  By Kevin Langman

Hello All,

This is the second public version of AudioCenter, although I would 

like to think of it has the first version (since the first version

kinda sucked). Version 0.85?is nearly a complete rewrite of the

original version. This version look's better (*MUCH* better) works

better (more logical), and has many more options. 

To all you people that used AudioCenter 0.62? thanks for supporting

this project and I hope you'll find the enhancements in this version

to your liking!  I would like to thank the people that sent E-Mail

with suggestions and comments.. Without your messages I would not

have continued this project..

The future versions of AudioCenter will add some new features

including, ripping song names from files, Loop-Repeat-Random play

options, External mixer button and scrolling song name to mention

just a few. These additions will be in version 1.0 (possibly the 

last version).

If you use AudioCenter please send a E-Mail so I can get some idea

of how many people are using it. I still need more support or I may

decide not to continue working on AudioCenter.

NOTE:  There are two features that are partly coded in the version but

       have been disabled. I wanted to ship a new version before too

       long, and therefor I had to remove some of the features originally

       planned for 0.85B

       The following not working in Version 0.85B

       Song Lists (SongList setup page does NOT work)

       External Mixer (General setup page options)


. _ __ Kevin Langman __ _ .

       --- _____ ---

PS.. Don't forget to read the help file by typing readme at the prompt!

**** I love getting mail. ****

Send your suggestions, bug reports & questions to:


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