aMixer 1.6


 aMixer 1.6


See amixer.doc for installation instructions.

New in 1.6


Added SEND main panel button to send current register settings as known

to aMixer to the hardware.  This is useful only if SyncLock is not used

since SyncLock does this automatically if SyncRate is not -0-.

Colored knob background to grey since Warp 4 no longer does this.

Driver paradise.sys updated to 1.80, the current release for Paradise


Updated FAQ.

New in 1.51


Shutdown has been reordered a bit

Minimum SyncLock rate is 31ms, max 1000

Added priority option in SyncLock

Replaced spin field with entry field in SyncLock

Set -od to default (Warp4 is the problem, not OD, or so it seems), and

changed that switch to -wp3 (-od is ignored) for alternate knob

1.51a increased stack to 64,000 bytes.



Set Detail panel knobs to the non-dot type, for now

Added -od switch to work around OD control bug

Added FAQ

Main window position get repositioned as expected, not just Detail

During -config (or no existing amixer.ini), if an SB16 then both low and

high DMA channels had to be specified -- now you can select only a low

(or only high, but not recommended), or you can leave it, and IRQ, blank;

only the base port needs to be specified

Updated Paradise driver to 1.52 (required for the DMA/IRQ change above)

Added minimize startup option

Added main/detail window position save

New switches: -min, -nolp, -nosp

Main volume, balance, and tone controls can operate with Detail window

Updated Paradise driver to 1.51 (optional, but recommended, esp. for tmidi)

The minimum active SyncLock rate is now 32ms, rather than 33ms since

33ms was effectively 64ms.

The main control panel was not updated after a Load/Startup/Reset selected

from the Detail control panel.

Paradise 1.5 has new features that are not supported in previous versions.

It is backward compatible with previous versions so you can still use

tmidi 1.5 and tmixer 1.2 with this new driver.

Paradise 1.5 changed the interpretartion of the AGC:  when AGC=1 (on, or

checked), the AGC limiter circuit is active; when AGC=0 (off, unchecked),

the +20dB fixed gain is used.  AGC applies only to the mic input.

Previous versions of Paradise did not set the Mic level for the 1345 (SB Pro)


If you have registered tMixer and would like a free upgrade to aMixer, write

to requesting the free upgrade.


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