Netscape Navigator** 2.02 for OS/2* Warp Plug-in Pack

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Netscape Navigator** 2.02 for OS/2* Warp Plug-in Pack

31st March 1997.

(You might want to use a monospaced font, for improved readability)

Welcome to the Netscape Navigator 2.02 for OS/2 Warp Plug-in Pack

This Readme contains useful information that is required to install

and use this product.

The following information sources are also available from the IBM

Software web page (

*  Netscape Navigator Handbook

*  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

*  Release Notes


* To help you locate information in this README, you can use

  the Find option under the Edit menu of the OS/2 System Editor.

  You can print the file by dragging it to your printer object or by

  using the Print choice on the pop-up menu.


        1.0 Hardware and Software Requirements

        2.0 Installation Instructions

        3.0 Function Included In This Release

        4.0 Multimedia Plug-ins

        5.0 Support for Windows 3.1*** Plug-ins

        6.0 Plug-in API's and Toolkit

        7.0 Known Problems

        8.0 OS/2 Multimedia MPEG support

        9.0 CID Installation

       10.0 Trademarks

1.0 Software Requirements


  Hardware Requirements:

  To install and use Netscape Navigator for OS/2 Warp, your work-

  station needs at least:

  *  An Intel 486-based system or higher

  *  VGA display (Super VGA with 256 colors or higher is recom-


  * 12 MB of RAM  (16 MB is recommended)

  *  8 MB free hard disk space (and 8 MB of temporary disk space)

  *  Connection to the Internet  (modem, Ethernet card, token ring,

     or ISDN)

  Software Requirements:

  *  Netscape Navigator for OS/2 Warp installed

2.0 Installation Instructions


  Attention Beta1a Users Only:

  If you have not upgraded from the beta1a version of Netscape Navigator for

  OS/2, you must completely delete it before installing this product. After you

  locate the directory containing the beta1a release, delete all files and directories.

  Lastly, delete the Netscape folder before you begin installation of this product.

  Before you install the OS/2 Plug-In Pack, you should first ensure that you have

  removed the Beta2 version of the Netscape Navigator, if that version was installed

  One way to do this is switch to the Netscape Navigator Beta2 directory from which

  you performed the installation, enter INSTALL /A:D, and respond to the prompts.  Then

  you can install the Netscape Navigator package, followed by the OS/2 Plug-In Pack.

  1) To start the installation program, type:


  2) Follow the online instructions .

  3) Restart your system.

  4) The following system files are updated if you install support

     for Windows Plug-ins.

     Filename        OS/2 Warp 3.0 for Windows     OS/2 Warp 3.0 with Win-OS/2

     seamless.dll    d:\OS2                        d:\OS2

     vwin.sys        d:\OS2\MDOS                   d:\OS2\MDOS

     winsmsg.dll     d:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM             d:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\SYSTEM

     user.exe        d:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM             d:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\SYSTEM

     users.scr       d:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM             (not applicable)

     Filename        OS/2 Warp 4.0

     seamless.dll    d:\OS2

     vwin.sys        (not replaced)

     winsmsg.dll     d:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\SYSTEM

     user.exe        d:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\SYSTEM

     users.scr       (not applicable)


    - If you are using the 4OS2 software package, the installation

      may not complete.  Try double-clicking on the INSTALL.EXE from the

      folder representing the directory from which you wish to install.

    - The user.exe file(s) that are transferred when the 16-bit Plug-In

      support is installed is in English. This may create problem if

      this package is installed on a non-U.S. system.

3.0 Function Included In This Release


  This release of Netscape Navigator Plug-In Pack offers you all

  the features of Netscape Navigator 2.02 and more.  Highlights


  *  Native OS/2 multimedia plug-ins

  *  Support for Windows 3.1 plug-ins

  *  OS/2 Multimedia MPEG support

4.0 Multimedia Plug-ins


  We have included native OS/2 version of Multimedia

  plug-ins in this offering.

  These native OS/2 Multimedia plug-ins provide support for

  multimedia MIME Types and file extensions such as MPEG,

  avi, voc, aiff, wav and midi.

  This table describes the media types supported by the OS/2

  Multimedia Plug-ins:

    File extension                MIME type        Support in    Support in

                                                   OS/2 Warp 3.0 OS/2 Warp 4.0

    ============================= ================ ============= =============

  * avi with UltiMotion, Indeo

       2.1, 3.1, or 3.2 encoding  video/x-msvideo  Yes           Yes

  * avi with Cinepak, RLE, or

       Video1 encoding            video/x-msvideo  Yes, Note 1   Yes, Note 1

  * mov, qt                       video/quicktime  Yes, Note 2   Yes, Note 2

  * mpeg, mpg                     video/mpeg       Yes           Yes

  * flc, fli                      video/x-flc,

                                  video/x-fli      Yes           Yes

  * wav                           audio/x-wav      Yes           Yes

  * au, snd                       audio/basic      Yes, Note 3   Yes

  * aiff, aif                     audio/x-aiff     Yes, Note 3   Yes

  * voc                           audio/x-voc      Yes, Note 3   Yes

  * iff                           audio/x-iff      Yes, Note 3   Yes

  * mid, midi                     audio/x-mid      Yes           Yes

  Note 1: This media type support requires additional software. One

  example is the AnpoCodec shareware package. Visit and search in the OS/2 section for "codec".

  Note 2: This media type support requires additional software. One

  example is the QuickMovie package from Practice Corporation available


  Note 3: This media type support requires additional software. Ensure

  that you have the Warp Bonus Pack or FixPack 17 installed.

  The OS/2 Multimedia Plug-ins provide support for streaming multimedia.

  This means that certain files which support streaming can be played

  while they are downloaded.  A Multimedia Internet Manager program is

  provided to access these files and can be started from the System setup

  folder after you install the plugins. The Multimedia Internet Manager

  stores temporary files in the [d:]\MMOS2\INETTEMP directory.


    * If you prefer to use helper applications you can

      remove the native OS/2 multimedia plug-ins by renaming

      the following OS/2 Multimedia plug-ins DLLs in the

      plug-ins subdirectory of the install directory:

      NPOS2AUD.DLL  - all audio formats except MIDI

      NPOS2MID.DLL  - MIDI audio

      NPOS2VID.DLL  - video

      For example, rename NPOS2AUD.DLL to NPOS2AUD.SAV.

    * When files are downloaded via the native OS/2

      Multimedia plug-ins, they may be retained by the

      system even after you have exited Netscape Navigator.

      This may cause additional disk space to be consumed.

      The Multimedia Internet Manager, in the System

      Settings folder, allows you to remove some or all

      of these files, as well as change the directory

      which contains this multimedia data.

5.0 Support for Windows 3.1 Plug-ins


  Support for Windows 3.1 plug-ins on OS/2 Warp version 3.0

  and OS/2 Warp Connect version 3.0 requires fixpack 26. OS/2

  Warp version 4.0 does not require a fixpack.

  If you need to install fixpack 26, you should remove Netscape

  Navigator for OS/2 and then reinstall it. This ensures that some

  OS/2 Warp system updates are made in the correct sequence.

  Users of Bidi versions of OS/2 Warp 4.0 need to manually install

  the following two files in order to run Windows 3.1 plugins

     seamless.dll   copy into directory d:\OS2\DLL

     winsmsg.dll    copy into directory d:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\SYSTEM

  where d: is the boot drive of your OS/2 Warp 4.0 system.

  These files must be manually extracted from the OS2_V4.IN_ file

  that is part of the Plug-in Pack installation program. Use the

  following commands to extract the files.



  Now copy these files into the correct directories on your boot drive

  as indicated above.

  NOTE: You must not have any WIN-OS/2 application running at the time

  you copy these files or you will receive an error message. If you

  receive an error message that the file cannot be accessed because it is

  in use by another process then you will need to reboot OS/2 Warp 4.0

  before copying the files.

  CAUTION: Do not manually replace any other OS/2 system files other than

  the two listed above.

  The following versions of OS/2 Warp do not currently support the

  use of Windows 3.1 plug-ins. A fixpack with the correct level

  of service is not available for these versions of OS/2 Warp.

    - OS/2 Warp Server

    - OS/2 Warp Server SMP

    - Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) language versions of OS/2

      Warp 3.0 and OS/2 Warp Connect 3.0

    - Bidirectional (Bidi) language versions of OS/2 Warp 3.0 and

      OS/2 Warp Connect 3.0

    - non US-English language versions of OS/2 Warp version 4.0

      (However, see note above about manually replacing files)

  The following Windows 3.1 plug-ins have been tested:

     Plug-in Name               Description

     Shockwave for Director     animation/streaming audio

     Sizzler                    animation/sound

  Some Windows 3.1 plug-ins require specific installation


    Shockwave: The Shockwave installer should be run from

               File Manager or from the Program Manager Run

               line. After installation, exit Program


    Sizzler:   On first use, Sizzler will display a test

               window for a long time, causing a Timeout

               message box to appear. Press Retry until the

               test window completes its test.

  NOTE: If you prefer not to use the Windows 3.1 plug-ins

  support, you should rename the file NPPROXY.DLL in the

  plug-ins subdirectory of the install directory to NPPROXY.SAV

6.0 Plug-in APIs and Toolkit


  For developers wishing to develop native OS/2 Plug-ins for

  the Netscape Navigator for OS/2 Warp, we have available a

  Plug-in toolkit including header files, libraries and

  sample code for building OS/2 native plug-ins. To download

  the toolkit, go to the URL

  and select OS/2 Plug-in Developers Kit.

7.0 Known problems


  Some Windows 3.1 plug-ins require OLE 2.0. If you do not

  have OLE 2.0 for Win-OS2 you can install any 16-bit

  Windows 3.1 application that ships OLE 2.0 such as the

  Netscape Navigator for Windows 3.1.

  You may experience problems with the Digigami****

  install program.  You must have OLE 2.0 installed to use

  the Digigame plug-ins.

  The Software MPEG plug-ins may cause your system to hang

  while attempting to close the movie player.  You are,

  however, able to view the selected movie.

  Sometimes pages that contain plug-ins do not display

  correctly. This can be because the webmaster for the

  server did not correctly add the MIMETypes to the web

  server sotware. For example the Multimedia plug-ins

  support MIMETypes such as video/x-flc.

  Some Windows 3.1 plug-ins will not install under OS/2 as

  they check the version of Navigator for Windows that is

  installed. You may need to install Netscape Navigator

  for Windows 3.1 and then install the plug-ins.

8.0 OS/2 Multimedia MPEG Support


  IBM's new MPEG support includes software MPEG video file

  playback without requiring special MPEG hardware.

8.1 Software Requirements


  OS/2 Multimedia MPEG Support requires OS/2 Warp Version 3 or

  later.  However, OS/2 Warp Version 3 systems also require

  OS/2 Warp Multimedia fixes available with this installation.

8.2 Recommended Hardware Configuration


  A Pentium hardware configuration is required because

  software MPEG is very CPU intensive.  Software MPEG can be

  used on a computer with a 486 microprocessor, but the video

  quality will be minimal.

  Software MPEG audio support is available but will work

  poorly on systems slower than a Pentium 90MHz.

  Hardware MPEG audio is supported with IBM MWAVE cards or

  RealMagic cards.

  If MPEG hardware is available, it will be used

  transparently.  An updated RealMagic driver set is provided

  and installable if the hardware configuration includes the

  RealMagic drivers.  These drivers should not be installed

  unless the hardware exists in the machine for which the

  drivers are being installed.  For hardware video support,

  VSDOM1.INI must be installed in the \MMOS2 directory.  Using

  the OS/2 Multimedia MPEG Support installation, select the

  MPEG card installed in the system.

  To play CD-i or Video CD content, a 2-speed CD-ROM is

  required.  This CD-ROM must support long reads.  Some OS/2

  CD-ROM drivers do not support the long reads that CD-i

  requires.  CD-i content is not readable through the file

  system.  Playing this content requires a dummy file named

  _VIDCDI.MPG.  For polling CD-ROMs, playback quality will be

  very jerky.

8.3 Installation


  To install, go to a command line in a temporary directory

  and unpack the installation by typing PLUGPACK, then type

  INSTALL to start the installation.

  A new device will be added to MMPM2.INI and a corresponding

  OS/2 Multimedia MPEG Support device will be added to the

  Multimedia folder.  It will support MPEG file-name

  extensions of .MPG, .VBS, and .DAT, as well as others.

  NOTE:  Do NOT install the MPEG support on the Developer

  Connection #12 CD after you have installed this support

  from the OS/2 Plug-In Pack, as it as an earlier version

  of this support.

8.4 Backward Compatibility for MCI applications


  A video MCD is provided for backward compatibility for

  existing applications which utilize the Media Control

  Interface (MCI).  This means that the existing media

  player provided with OS/2 Multimedia can be used to

  play MPEG content.

8.5 MPEG Limitations


  - MPEG-2 Transport streams with buffered play will work only

    with 188 byte size buffers.  All others are rejected.

  - Playback from content on slow CD-ROMS (less than 4X) will

    result in poor video playback quality.

8.6 Bulletin Board Support


  Support is available on CompuServe via the OS/2 Developer

  Forum 1 (OS2DF1) in the Multimedia section and on the

  GAMEDEV forums.  For easier detection, please put OS/2

  Multimedia MPEG Support in the subject header.

8.7 Configurations With Existing MPEG Hardware Support


  To configure OS/2 Multimedia MPEG Support to be used as the

  default hardware MPEG device, do the following:

  In the Multimedia Setup, on the Association page for the

  existing MPEG hardware, select the MPEG data type and remove

  all current extensions.  Then, on the OS/2 Multimedia MPEG

  Support Association page, select the MPEG data type and add

  the following extensions:  MPG, CDI, VBS, DAT, M1T, M2T,


8.8 Known Problems


  - Buffered play is not supported for MPEG-2 and single

    stream MPEG devices.

  - Sliders don't update with OS/2 multimedia applications on

    slower systems.

  - Poor video support for software playback with movies over

    a LAN.

  - Reel Magic Pro and Reel Magic will require FixPak 26 for

    OS/2 Warp Version 3 systems for hardware support in OS/2

    Multimedia MPEG Support.  In addition, they might also need

    a new AMPMXMCD.DLL fix that will be available in a future

    FixPak.  This fixes the problem of jerky video.

  - For OS/2 Warp Version 3 systems with S3 cards, if video

    problems occur with the OS/2 Multimedia MPEG Support

    installation, try renaming the YUV_LUT8.LUT file.

  - Some content from the Thinkpad CD Sampler have video

    corruption during playback of MPEG-2 Transport streams

    (files with 2_30 in filename).

  - Visual Circuits cards are supported but may have video

    corruption during playback.  In this case, use the existing

    ReelTime device instead of OS/2 Multimedia MPEG Support.

  - Systems with installed MPEG hardware may have hangs

    switching between the existing MPEG device and OS/2

    Multimedia MPEG Support on Warp 4. The workaround is to

    setup the associations (defined in previous section) for

    OS/2 Multimedia MPEG Support to be the default MPEG device.

  - Problems may occur when opening MPEG-2 content with MPEG-1

    only hardware.

8.9 Multimedia Setup Page


  If audio fails to play, try specifying the Software Only

  mode for audio for the OpenMPEG Video device in the

  Multimedia Setup object (in the System Setup folder).

  This change might also be necessary

  for systems contiaining Audiovation sound cards.

8.10 Video CD/CD-i Support


  Video CD and CD-i content is supported with the Software

  Video CD icon in the Multimedia folder.  Systems with MPEG

  hardware such as a Thinkpad 760 may already have a Video CD

  Player icon.  This will allow Video CD through the existing

  MPEG device.  If the Software Video CD icon is used on

  systems with MPEG hardware, then OS/2 Multimedia MPEG

  Support will attempt to play the content using hardware.

  Use the Software Video CD icon if the system has been

  customized with OS/2 Multimedia MPEG Support as the default

  MPEG device.

8.11 Future Hardware Support


  OS/2 Multimedia MPEG Support will install hooks for the

  following hardware devices:

  * Thinkpad 760CD MPEG

  * Thinkpad 760ED MPEG

  * Sigma Designs RealMagic*****

  * Sigma Designs RealMagic Pro

  * Visual Circuits ReelTime

  If MPEG hardware is installed later, the VSDOM1.INI file

  must be created by executing the MKVSDINI.CMD file in the

  \MMOS2 directory.  For new MPEG hardware not in the above

  list, modify the MKVSDINI.CMD file with the appropriate PDD

  and VSD DLL.  The PDD and VSD will be defined in the

  MMPM2.INI.  For the PDD do not include the $ character.

  In addition, if the DSP requires special loading, use the

  appropriate numbers for the .dsp field to signify the

  following 1 Load DSP Only 2 Load With MPEG Stream Info.

  Good luck and enjoy.  MPEG is an exciting technology to

  which IBM is very much committed.

9.0  CID Installation


  The following response file keyword is required to be specified to

  allow the OS/2 Plug-In Pack to be installed in a CID environment.

  The possible values for the keyword are TRUE or FALSE:

    NAV_PRESENT      - Netscape Navigator for OS/2 has already been


  Refer to section 8.0 of the Navigator for OS/2 file for additional

  CID installation details.


      * The FILE response file keyword should point to the directory

        to which Netscape Navigator for OS/2 was installed.  For


        FILE = d:\netscape

      * The AUX1 response file keyword should point to the directory

        to which OS/2 Multimedia was installed. For example:

        AUX1 = c:\mmos2

      * The value given in the COMP keyword in the response file

        must exactly match the string specified by the NAME

        keyword of the COMPONENT entry of the appropriate .PKG file.

        Refer to approximately lines 31 and 271 in the OS2PIP.PKG

        file, and approximately line 2 in the OS2MPEGC.PKG file for

        the possible component names to specify.

10.0  Trademarks


  The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*) in this

  READ.ME file, are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the

  United States or other countries:

  o   IBM

  o   OS/2

  o   ThinkPad

  The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**) in

  this READ.ME file, are trademarks of Netscape

  Communications Corporation:

  o   Netscape

  o   Netscape Navigator

  The following terms, denoted by a "***" in

  this READ.ME file, are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

  o   Windows

  o   Windows 3.1

  o   Microsoft

  Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows 95 logo are trademarks

  or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

  The following terms, denoted by a "****" in

  this READ.ME file, are trademarks of CineWEB Corporation.

  o   Digigami

  The following term, denoted by a "*****" in

  this READ.ME file, is a trademark of Apple Corp.

  o   QuickTime

  The following term, denoted by a "******"(!) in

  this READ.ME file, is a trademark of Sigma Designs, Inc.

  o   RealMagic









  (C) Copyright Netscape Communications Corporation

  1995-1997. All rights reserved.


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